Ostatnio poznaliśmy okładkę ostatniego tomu FotJ’a. Jakaś część fanów z USA zaczęła zastanawiać się czy przypadkiem Luke na okładce nie jest opętany przez Abeloth lub czy nie przeszedł na ciemną stronę mocy. Oczywiście pojawia się pytanie skąd te domysły. Jako że Kika przeglą theforce.net to trafiła na bardzo ciekawy wątek, który rzuca trochę światła na całą sprawę. Mianowicie amerykańscy fani odkryli, że od jakiegoś dłuższego czasu Denning przemyca w swoich książkach pewien powtarzający się fragment (który prawdopodobnie umknął polskim fanom z powodu tłumaczeń
Zjawa z Tatooine :
>>Leia Organa, newly Leia Organa Solo, sat behind Han and Chewbacca on the flight deck of the Millennium Falcon. The twin suns of the Tatoo system were hanging outside the forward viewport, a pair of white eyes blazing up from the black well of space. Like all twins, they were bound together by a tie as unpredictable as it was powerful. Sometimes, the bond boosted their luminosity far beyond that of two normal suns. At other times, it sent waves of ionic discharge pulsing across space to scramble circuits and reorient core-relative compasses. Today, the twins were assailing the Falcon with electromagnetic blasts, overloading her sensors and filling the cockpit speakers with static. As Chewbacca worked to raise the proper filters, the static faded from a roar to a crackle, then softened to a hiss, which rose and fell in a sharp rhythm. Puzzled by the odd snickering sound, Leia glanced over at the master comm console and found the reception indicator still scanning for signals. She leaned forward against her crash webbing.
"Han, do you hear..."
No sound came from her mouth. The snicker became a deep chuckle, and a nebula of black gas began to gather in front of the Falcon. Han showed no reaction to it. Neither did Chewbacca, even when it coalesced into the cowl of a Jedi cloak.
"Han! Don`t you see..."
Again, her voice made no sound. Glaring out from beneath the cowl, the twin suns looked more than ever like eyes-heartless eyes, full of malice and power lust. Where the cloud was thin, crooked streaks of purple radiance created the impression of a twisted mouth and wrinkled face.
The mouth rose at the corners. "Mine."
The voice was cruel and distinct and rife with dark side power. Leia gasped-silently-and tried to raise an arm that had suddenly grown as heavy as the Falcon.
The smile became a sneer. "Mine."
Still, neither Han nor Chewbacca seemed to notice what was happening. Leia would have screamed, had her mouth been willing to obey.
The nebula began to thicken, and the purple wrinkles faded behind its inky veil. The twin suns dimmed to darkness, and the black cloud assumed the shape of a familiar mask-a mask of harsh angles and obsidian sheen, framed by the long, flaring neck apron of an equally black helmet. Vader`s helmet.
A chill wave of nausea washed over Leia. The curved eye lenses grew transparent, but instead of the blazing brightness of Tatooine`s twin suns-or the angry red-rimmed gaze of Darth Vader-she found herself looking into her brother`s soft blue eyes. "Luke! What are you..."
Her question remained as silent as the others she had asked. Luke`s eyes grew hollow and hard and haunted, and the helmet moved slowly from side to side. Blue flickers of electricity snaked across the speech circuits behind the respiratory screen, but his words were rendered nearly inaudible by static crackling. Leia made out something about not following and staying out of darkness; then Luke fell silent again. She tried to tell him that his equipment was malfunctioning, that his voice had been obscured, but before she could find a way to make herself heard, the helmet stopped moving.
Luke locked gazes and held her transfixed for what might have been seconds... or minutes... his eyes now the lifeless blue of ice. Leia grew cold, and frightened, and the mask dissolved back into the black nothingness of space, leaving her to stare out once again into the mind-stabbing brilliance of the Tatoo system`s twin suns. <<
LotF, Nawałnica :
>> the island rain forests darkened to a deep, night-colored purple. Two white dots began to glow up from the heart of one of the shadowy islands, and Jacen found himself staring into the spots. They were larger and brighter than any of the lights on the oceans, and the longer he looked, the more they resembled eyes- white, blazing eyes staring up at him from a well of darkness.
A few wisps of cloud drifted across the face of the shadowy island, creating the impression of a lopsided mouth and a spectral face.
The mouth rose at the corners. "Mine."
The words were breathy and cold and rife with dark side power . . . and the voice was familiar. It sounded like Jacen`s. He leaned closer to the viewport, studying the wispy features below, trying to decide whether he was seeing his own face.
But the clouds were not cooperating. The wisps drifted into a new arrangement, and a lumpy brow appeared above the eyes. The cheeks grew sunken and smashed, while the mouth became gaping and twisted. Then the entire face began to expand, drawing a veil of shadow over the rest of the planet and dimming its sea of scintillating lights.
The mouth rose at one corner, and the smile became a sneer. "Mine."
This time, the voice was too low and harsh to be Jacen`s. He felt relieved, since the mangled face could not be a vision of his future if the voice did not belong to him.
The shadowy head continued to expand, swelling beyond the edges of the planet and engulfing the Hapan moons. The face became long and gaunt, its features now defined by patterns of the half-obscured light shining through from the surface of the planet.
This time the word was crisp and commanding, and the head continued to grow, becoming round and coarse. It swelled beyond what Jacen could see through his viewport, dimming the stars to all sides of Hapes and engulfing-as far as he could tell-the entire known galaxy. Most of the face vanished into unrecognizable patterns of light and shadow, but the eyes remained, expanding into a pair of blazing white suns. "Mine!"
The white eyes flashed out of existence with all the brilliance of a pair of exploding novas, and Jacen felt as if an incendiary grenade had detonated in his head. He let out an involuntary groan and whirled away, hands clamped to his face.<<
LotF, Niezwyciężony :
>> "There isn`t," Luke pivoted around and glared down on [Jaina] with eyes that suddenly looked like a pair of suns blazing up from a dark well. "And it`s not your responsibility to worry about those lives. Its mine-- mine, Jedi Solo. Is that clear?" <<
FotJ, Abyss :
>> Behind Xal and Ahri stood... something tall and vaguely human, with a long cascade of yellow hair that reached nearly to the ground. Her eyes were tiny and deep-sunken, like two stars shining out of a pair of black wells, and she had a large, full-lipped mouth so broad that it reached from ear to ear. Her stubby arms protruded no more than ten centimeters from her shoulders, but in place of fingers, her hands had writhing tentacles so long that they hung down past her knees. The body was as straight as a tree trunk, and as she started downstream to the place where Vestara and Lady Rhea would be coming ashore, her legs did not seem to swing forward so much as ripple.<<
FotJ, Vortex :
>> peered through the sniperscope at the purple visage that probably belonged to Sarasu Taalon. He could not be certain because the slender face had grown gaunt and twisted, with brows that hooked sharply upward at the outer ends and cheekbones that protruded so prominently they looked like knuckles. The lips had grown bloated and cracked, and the mouth seemed twisted into a permanent grimace of pain.
But it was the eyes that troubled Luke most. They had turned as dark as wells, and shining up from the bottom were a pair of tiny light points, as bright and silver as stars.<<
No i oczywiście trzeba dodać, że to właśnie Denning napisze „Apocalypse”, czyli ostatni tom. I żeby było zabawniej zapytano go o sprawę tych fragmentów.
Q: So, is Abeloth a continuation of the ‘White Eyes’ prophecy and if so was this an idea you had to utilize that particular idea/theme in the series? Thanks!
TD: I’m going to plead “spoiler” on the Abeloth/White Eyes question; suffice it to say that there’s a connection, and that it will probably grow at least a little bit clearer by the end of the series.
Stąd moje pytanie to ludzi, którzy czytają FotJ i mają lepsze pojęcie o tym co tam się dzieje – co wy o tym sądzicie?